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Reception intake 25/26


The Local Education Authority organises admission to Primary Schools. If your child is of preschool age you should receive a County Admissions Booklet in the Autumn term prior to the academic year in which your child starts school, informing you of the County’s Primary Schools Admissions Policy and the procedure for obtaining a place at your preferred school. You can complete the form online or return the paper form, which is in the booklet, expressing your preference. The LEA will later inform you where your child has been offered a place. Should you not be offered your first preference school you have the right to appeal. Details on how to make an appeal will accompany the letter stating which school your child has been offered.

Full details about admissions to Primary School can be found here.


We regularly hold tours of our school for prospective parents.  These are usually arranged in the Autumn Term for families seeking a school place for Nursery and Reception.  Dates for tours are below.  If you wish to attend please contact the school office on 01442 822421 or e-mail on 


Monday 21st October at 9.15am

Tuesday 12th November at 9.15m

Tuesday 26th November at 1.30pm

Thursday 5th December at 9.15am

Monday 13th January 2025 at 1.30pm

We warmly welcome prospective parents to view the school with the Headteacher. If you would like to make an appointment for a viewing please contact the school office. A copy of the school’s recent Ofsted report is available here.


Admission Arrangements

Primary Admission Applications and In-year Transfer Applications need to be made through Hertfordshire County Council and are subject to the Hertfordshire Admissions Procedures and Policies.  Please click on the links below visit HCC’s website for more information and to apply online:


HCC website for admissions   (includes appeal arrangements information)

Dundale Admission Arrangements 2024-25

Dundale Admisssion Arrangments 2025-26

HCC Admission Rules


Admissions to Nursery are managed by the school. See below for more information.


Nursery 2024


We are very pleased to be offering both 15 and 30 hours in our Nursery in September 2024.

If you have a child who turns 3 years old before 31 August 2024 they are automatically entitled to 15 hours free nursery from September 2024. If you are a working parent, you may be able to apply for 30 hours free nursery. To check if you are eligible and to apply for your 30 hour code please click HERE.

Please contact the school office for more information.


We do currently have spaces in our Nursery for this academic year. If you would like to apply for a place in our current Nursery Class please contact the school office.


Admissions timeline to Nursery / Reception in 25/26

Information to follow - please check website for updates.


Nursery Information

Frequently asked questions

Admission Rules

 Places for Nursery in the school year 2023/24 for children born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020 will be allocated according to the following admission criteria.

Hertfordshire Nursery Admissions

Dundale Nursery has 30 places maximum. Places are for 15 hours from 9am to 12pm or for 30 hours from 9am to 3pm Monday to Friday term time only .


All applications must be made directly to the school. The online application system is now closed, however, if you would like to apply for a Nursery place please complete a paper application form and return it to the school office, posted to:

Dundale Primary School and Nursery



HP23 5DJ

Or emailed as an attachment to: with ‘Nursery application’ in the subject line.


In Year Admissions

If you wish to apply for a place at Dundale please complete the online application available on the following link:


Under 11s In Year Admissions Rules


Parent guidance for appeals can be found HERE.


Secondary Transfer

For more information, please click here.


Welcome to Our School

Admissions Image Consent
