"I have not failed, I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work"
Thomas Edison.
Design and Technology (D&T) involves exploring and learning about the world we live in. At Dundale, we support our children to develop a wide range of technical knowledge and skills that enable them to make products that people want and that work well in our ever-changing world.
Our aim for the children is to build and apply this repertoire of technical knowledge, understanding and skills in order to design, make and evaluate a wide variety of high-quality prototypes and products based on the principles: user, purpose, functionality, design decisions, innovation and authenticity. Through this inspiring, rigorous and practical subject, children will gain the expertise to take risks, and become resourceful, enterprising and capable citizens needed to excel in an increasingly technological environment
In our EYFS the skills used in D&T are fostered and embedded throughout the Early Years Curriculum. In KS1 & KS2 we have chosen to adopt a published scheme ‘Kapow Design and Technology’ which is taught at four points throughout the year by the Art and Design Teacher through ‘DT in a Day’. The food technology element of DT is taught by class teachers at suitable points in the year.
The scheme is endorsed by the Design and Technology Association and uses content from their scheme of work ‘Projects on a Page’. Kapow enables our teachers to further develop their subject knowledge whilst delivering creative and inspiring lessons with impact.
Intended Impact
During the children’s learning journey at Dundale our intended impact of the DT curriculum is to ensure that children;