At Dundale we are committed to ensuring that all pupils, irrespective of their background or the challenges they face achieve the very best outcomes in terms of their academic and personal development alongside providing a rich and varied experience that develops life chances for children. Diminishing the difference in attainment and progress is key for all children; but with particular focus on children identified as Pupil Premium or disadvantaged of all abilities.
At Dundale we recognise that no one child is the same and thus this is reflected in the wide variety of ways pupil premium is utilised. The provision provided encompasses both direct approaches to ‘narrowing the gap’ and other more creative interventions, which subsequently influence academic achievement and very importantly enhance pupil’s social and emotional well-being. We believe that pupil premium should be used to impact the wider school, but it is also pertinent that the pupil premium is specifically tailored to meet the needs of individual pupil premium pupils, in addition to and in different ways from our other intervention programmes. Interventions for each pupil are decided on an individual, needs-led basis thus enabling children to benefit from more than one intervention which are directly matched to their needs.