It is the aim of Dundale Primary School to provide equal opportunities for all our pupils and staff, recognising that individuals have differing needs. We aim to create an environment for learning which will encourage all children to achieve the highest level of educational achievement through the provision of a broad, balanced and creative curriculum, high expectations and through committed, enthusiastic and effective teaching.
We will work hard to help children to develop into resilient, confident, responsible and caring adults through clearly articulated parameters and in an atmosphere of tolerance and mutual respect.
We will promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and in society and prepare pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.
We are guided by the following principles:
All learners are of equal value
We see all learners and potential learners, and their parents and carers, as of equal value:
We recognise and respect difference
Treating people equally does not necessarily involve treating them all the same. Our policies, procedures and activities must not discriminate but must nevertheless take account of differences of life-experience, outlook and background, and in the kinds of barrier and disadvantage which people may face, in relation to:
We foster positive attitudes and relationships, and a shared sense of cohesion and belonging
We intend that our policies, procedures and activities should promote:
Please see the Policies page for linked policies and documents