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Cultural Capital and Enrichment

At Dundale Primary  School we are committed to ensuring children's education and experiences are rich in Cultural Capital.


The Department for Education defines Cultural Capital as "The essential knowledge that pupils need to be educated citizens, introducing them to the best that has been thought and said and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement."



Our rich and broad curriculum provides opportunities for children to experience a rich cultural capital.


Opportunities include:

  • Participating in a broad and balanced PSHE curriculum
  • Supporting charities, both locally and nationally
  • Supporting people in the local community
  • Performing infront of an audience
  • Taking part in activities across local schools
  • Visits from motivating speakers / groups
  • Learning how to play a musical instrument
  • Take part in cooking activities
  • Visiting a museum to learn about an area I am focusing on in school
  • Visit a place of worship
  • Reading and listening to stories by a diverse range of uthors
  • Writing a letter, addressing an envelope and posting it in the post box
  • Visiting a zoo
  • Visit the local library
  • Learning how to navigate the internet and stay safe
  • Learning how to say key phrases in another language

Cultural Capital and Enrichment Opportunities 2023 2024

Cultural Capital and Enrichment Opportunities 2022 2023

Macmillan Coffee morning - Year 6 hosting their parents and local community to raise money for charity

Year 6 House Captain speeches with the whole school voting

Author visits

Harvest with food donations for the local community - Emma Rothschild House

Tring Apple Fayre parade with school made scarecrow!

Remembrance Day


Christmas Fayre

Dundale Bake Off run by the school council

Rocksteady bands performing to the school and parents

A visit from Father Christmas

Key Stage 1 and EYFS Nativity

Key Stage 2 Christmas Production

Christmas end of term local community sing-a-long

Visit to the Tring Fire Station

Pumpkin carving competition

Electric Umbrella performance and inclusion workshop

Cooking opportunities

Santa Dash fundraising for Florence Nightingale Trust

Choir performing with Hertfordshire schools at the Royal Albert Hall

Celebrating the King's coronation

Learning about the world around us with a visit from Little City

A visit to the postbox

Learning to play the ukelele

A visit to the local library

K-nex Challenge

Windrush competition winner

Choir performing at the local church

Footballl competition at Tring School

Learning about people who help us - the police

Visit to the local Natural History Museum

World Book Day

Visit to the Roald Dahl Museum

Visit to Whipsnade Zoo

Exploring the science labs at Tring Secondary Schoo

Taking part in Tring Sing at Tring secondary school

Residential to Woodrow High House

Visit from Zoo Lab

Tring Summer Parade

Year 6 residential

Sports Day

Year 6 Leaver's production
