Change is a normal part of life and can provide opportunities for children to develop their resilience. Whether a child is starting primary school, changing schools, or moving from infants to juniors or primary to secondary school, this transition period needs to be carefully managed. If a child struggles with a transition it can have a negative impact on their wellbeing and academic achievement.
(Anna Freud - National Centre for Children and Families)
At Dundale Primary School, we recognise that transition is a process and not an event. We want our children to experience smooth transitions so that the quality of learning is maintained and children continue to make the very best progress. We, as a school, support children through these transition points, ensuring they are as smooth as possible and very importantly that our children are happy.
How do we support transition?
- Our EYFS team complete home visits to all new starters in nursery
- Discussion between pre-school settings and EYFS team
- Individual meetings for parents and children with EYFS Lead
- Getting ready for school meeting at school for parents whilst children experience transition morning in July
- Enhanced transition for children if appropriate
- Parent meeting early in September to see how the children are settling / answer any further questions or worries
- EYFS staff on the gate every morning and afternoon to allow for easy communication
For Whole School:
- Whole school transition morning / day with new classes
- Extra transition support booklet for identified children who may struggle with change or be anxious with opportunities to talk to their new class teacher / visit the classroom as much as possible
- Open evening where parents and children can spend time in their classroom for the following year and finding out a bit more about the curriculum
- SENDCo liaises with parents and teachers to ensure clear, robust handover of information
- Knowledge and information sharing between current class teacher and new class teacher
For Y6
The majority of children from Dundale go to the secondary school in the RLP Trust - Tring Secondary school. Transition is detailed below. For those children who go to a different secondary school a transition progamme is worked out between the two schools.
- During their time at Dundale, the children experience activities at Tring School e.g. sports events, competitions, subject specific activities e.g. using the science labs and swimming. This allows the children to become more familiar with the secondary school environment
- Opportunities for students to come to Dundale to spend time with the children e.g. work experience, reading buddies, students to work with groups e.g. maths.
- Strong commmunication between Dundale and Tring starting in the Spring term to identify children who may benefit from extra transition support. Pupil conferencing will start between identified children and identified members of staff at Tring school to develop a trusted adult relationship.
- Extra visits to Tring school if appropriate
- Transition activities / time at Tring School for identified children who may struggle with change or be anxious.
- Transition day for all children in July
- Regular communication between Tring and Dundale once children start Year 7
- Transition work completed at Dundale about life at Secondary school and further support in place if appropriate
Top 10 tips for parents for supporting your child during transiton (click on picture to enlarge)
Moving Up! The transition to secondary school (SUBTITLED)
Moving Up! The transition to secondary school is an animation aimed to help year 7 and 6 pupils feel more confident, less anxious and better equipped to cope with the changes associated with moving to secondary school.