“Differences were not meant to divide, but enrich”
J H Oldham
At Dundale, the principal aim of Religious Education is to engage pupils in an open exploration of what people believe, their way of life and the impact of beliefs, values and ways of living in local, national and global communities. It supports our pupils with their own personal development, supporting an understanding of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural questions (including Fundamental British Values) that may arise now and in the future, whilst encouraging pupils to reflect on their own experience. Religious Education provokes challenging questions of meaning and purpose, helping pupils to understand the place of religion and belief in the modern world. Our pupils are taught RE through the Hertfordshire Agreed Syllabus 2023 - 2028
At Dundale, RE is planned and taught each week using medium terms plans written to fit within the Hertfordshire Locally Agreed Syllabus, ensuring each major religion is covered and explored during their academic journey at Dundale School. The syllabus is structured around eight Key Areas of study (see below) which aim to enable pupils to develop knowledge and understanding of sources of wisdom and their impact whilst exploring personal and critical responses.
Across a term, children will experience lessons that begin by identifying pupils’ experience and self-concept through asking ‘What does it mean to be me?’ in the context of a Big Question and projecting that through the question ‘What does it mean to be you?’ - examining the religious/World view content and finally, ‘What does it mean to be human?’, the universal human experience and concept linked to the original Big Question. Each termly focus is drawn together through an Ultimate Question, when children are given the opportunity to reflect and discuss an idea, offering personal views, knowledge and experience and developing the ability to listen to and consider others’ ideas and views as well. This can be completed in a variety of ways: a written explanation, a presentation using different types of media or a debate/discussion between the whole class or grou
Intended Impact
During the children’s learning journey at Dundale our intended impact of the RE curriculum is to ensure that children;